Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personality Assessment of Jackie Robinson Essay - 1355 Words

Personality Assessment of Jackie Robinson Every individual in our society is different; each person is known or described differently from one another. The Big Five Factors: neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness, are thought to describe and outline personality in all cultures and language families. They characterize the differences in humankind and can be used to predict or explain job performance. Jackie Robinson was a man who I would describe as having a strong and persevering personality. He grew up at a time when racial tensions were at their worst, and yet, managed to succeed and follow through with everything he faced. At times he was forced to suck it up, although†¦show more content†¦with guts enough not to fight back (78). Robinson demonstrated the opposite of impulsiveness in almost all of his actions. Over time, he had learned how to exercise self-control -- to answer insults, violence, and injustice with silence -- and had learned how to earn th e respect of (his) teammates (81). Jackie Robinsons score for extraversion was a 78, meaning that although he was extraverted, at times he demonstrated some introverted traits. Although he was a friendly individual, Robinson, in many situations, was forced to keep to himself. In addition, he liked to take it easy whenever possible, gearing up for whatever was to come his way. He also, however, had some extraverted traits, including the fact that from the time he started school, he was always active, whether it be in sports, or working with the First African American Bank or the NAACP. He was a true leader with the First African American Bank and the NAACP, speaking in front of many people, and being aggressive enough to accomplish what was needed. Robinson constantly demonstrated attempts to be gregarious and to be recognized by others. Although he remembers standing alone at first base -- the only black man on the field, he fought hard to become just another guy. Jackie Robin son never quit because things went the wrong way. If anything, hardships forced him to work harder at succeeding. When he went on into the business world, he always strove to learn as muchShow MoreRelatedHbr When Your Core Business Is Dying74686 Words   |  299 Pageslarger discussion about the company’s system for uncovering misconduct. How should the company strengthen that system – and what roles should the board and management play? Commentators include Stephen R. Hardis, Hal Shear, Mary Rowe, and Jackson W. Robinson. 132 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Social responsibility and global competitiveness are all well and good, readers say, but not if they emerge from companies that are simultaneously corrupting the political process. 111 138 EXECUTIVE SUMMARIES 144Read MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagesendorsement by bodies such as the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the UK. The impact of NICE decisions on cost-effectiveness reverberates well beyond the UK, as countries have begun to collaborate internationally in their value assessments. Switching to generics is one way to save costs. Computers can print prescriptions in generic rather than branded form, enabling pharmacists to substitute the cheap generic version of the drug. Payers are increasingly effective in establishing generic

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